Friday, March 25, 2011


Don't worry, it's only been 2 years. It's not like an entire congressional term has come and gone or anything. I'm sure the world is more or less the exact same as where we left it.

There have been so many things that mattered. I wanted to weigh in when Michael Jackson died, or Ted Kennedy, or when the Tea Party's hostile takeover of American discourse went into full effect.

I was riddled with bullet-like thoughts and emotions when the Celtics twice broke my heart- first in the NBA Finals and then eight months later when they traded my all-time favorite athlete. Eminem released a new album, then another one that was actually good. I won two-out-of-three Ultimate Challenges (explain later). Hell, Marvel Comics even became a Disney subsidiary, and relaunched the one character I spent 20 years telling myself would be mine someday.

All this news came and went, and I sat silent. Sword sheathed. Gagged by my own inaction.

These things all happened. I'll tell you that my unshared commentary and insight were as informed as anyone. I've done nothing but listen. But I'm a loud-ass dude. Except when I let myself idle in a cloud of doubt, procrastination and self loathing. Then the remorse cycle starts and you hungry masses go unfed. No excuses.

Well watch out, motherfuckers. I am back, I am pissed, pent-up, and thoroughly finished with the passivity.

I'm in. Game's on.

Things are going to change. I'm overhauling the shit out of this site. Nevermind the fact that I've opened my browser to the exact same page and post for these last 20 months, the whole design is tired and not really conducive to what I'd like the site to be going forward.

Believe it or not, this is not the first time I've attempted to remount this horse. I've started and stopped a time or two, because, frankly, that's what I do sometimes. So I'll be posting those half-thoughts and rambles for the next few days, with minimal extra sussing. They aren't all gold, but there's no reason to let them be lost to the void.

I am sure this could read as lot of bluster. But, y'know, I need a little bluster in my game. For me, humility has only bred inaction. There's a reason I'm so drawn to egomaniacs like Kanye West- I recognize the power of foolhardy cocksureness. It's an inborn weapon. So consider me licensed to spill.

And, y'know, Kanye's only done one record since we last spoke. So it's not like THAT much has changed.

Don't touch that dial...

- Brendan Premium Grade Patrick McGuirk